random notes and chit chat from the insanity of our life

Peek into our life and see how crazy it can get with 6 kids, homeschooling, sewing, and now farming. We're in our first year on the land, and entertaining the world with what we don't know. By the grace of God, we're learning, day by day, so pull up a chair and laugh with us!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


So, I was just reading this blog post...
Warning, it's heartbreaking, and may be shocking to you.  It was to me.
Anyhow, I was thinking about it.  And I agree, that we need a revolution.  But maybe not the type she meant, or maybe not JUST the type she meant.  Maybe, we need a revolution of love.
One of the common objections I hear to outlawing abortion is "What will we do with all those unwanted babies?  Will YOU take them?"  Yes.  Yes, I will.  Hand me your unwanted baby.  I want him or her.  Boy or girl.  Black, white, brown, yellow, purple with pink polkadots, I want her.  Healthy or not, I want him.  Whether you are a stranger, a friend, a relative, an adult, a teen...If you don't want that baby, I do.  And so do thousands upon thousands of others.  Some of them are childless.  Some of them already have large families.  But we want that baby, and would consider ourselves blessed to get him or her.
Maybe we need to SHOW it.  Does anyone remember the signs people used to put in their windows, to show kids that it was a safe house to go to, if anyone was bothering them?  If you saw the sign, you knew you could go there if anyone was following you, bullying you, harassing you, on your way home, etc.
Maybe that's what we need.  A sign we can put in our window, on our car, on our purse, wear on our shirts...  Something to show that there ARE people who want those "unwanted babies", lots of them.  I'd wear it.  Would you?
Maybe we need the government to make it easier for those "unwanted babies" to be adopted by the families who want them, instead of easier to get an abortion.  Maybe we need to get rid of rules limiting how many kids a family can have and still adopt.  Maybe, we need to stand up and say "I want your unwanted baby". 
And maybe, we need to help those girls who really want their baby, but don't see a way.  Help them afford it, help them learn to mother, help them see that they CAN.  Show them that getting pregnant on accident doesn't make the baby a mistake, and that you can't erase a baby like you can a misspelt word in a letter. 
Maybe we need to get loud about the fact that life is valuable, and WE VALUE IT! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Crazy summer days

So, I haven't been posting much lately again.  Been busy with life, the kids, sewing (made myself 3 new skirts, among other things!).  And I'm not really sure my life is interesting enough to post about, you know?  But, here I am anywho, just waiting for the canner to boil.  Have a batch of what we are calling "wildberry" jam (because they grow wild, and we don't know if they are blackberries or boysenberries, lol) to seal.  Yum.  Kids went out picking.  Going to have to send them more often, till the season ends.  I would like to have a bunch of jam in the pantry.
Other than that, not much going on today.  With the big 4 out picking, I was elected to stay home with the little 2, so I made a quadruple batch of granola, and baked a cinnamon roll cake.  Just a nice day of cooking.  Made both in the Nesco, since it's too warm to use the oven.  Looking forward to cool weather coming, except that I'll miss the fruit.