Well, I suppose I should start by saying that this really isn't THAT out of the ordinary for us. I mean...you can't be crazy only AT the farm, right? And taking 10 kids to the movies and such...something has to go "wrong", right, lol? So, that said...
It started out as a normal Wednesday. Tired, but normal. It's been awful stinkin' hot, and no one slept well last night, and it seemed several people ended up in MY room...in my bed, to be precise, then on the floor when I got tired of snuggling, lol. So, I was tired. But it was Wednesday, and this week, Wednesday was movie and park day!
So we had breakfast, did chores, rush rush rush. Packed a lunch of random stuff tossed in the cooler, because I had forgotten to plan anything for today again. Lots of water bottles, all reusable and filled from our tap, a big ice dohickey...you know, normal stuff. Got out just in time, as always.
Arrive at the theater, and start unloading, and lo and behold, Tony has NO SHOES! He had them ON when he walked out the door. Megan checked. But nothing now. "Tony, where ARE your shoes?" "I took them off at home." Groan. Will they let us in with him shoeless? Almost left, thinking, surely they won't, but decided to risk it. Megan carried Tony, Mariahs friend B carried Jack, and we got in line. "Tickets for 10 to Kung Fu Panda 2, please". And in we went. No problem! WOOHOO!
Movie was great. I'm really glad we were informed that Rango had bad language in it, as that was our original plan, and I'd have been terribly upset by that. So KFP2 was a great choice, and all enjoyed it. Then, off to a special stop. Today, you see, was 7/11. Yes, it's a tradition in our house. We LOVE free Slurpee day. Love Love LOVE! So we stopped at a 7/11 on our way to the park. Free slurpees for all the kids, and a slightly larger and slightly less free one for me. Yum. Cold and refreshing and delicious.
Met with Bs mom at the park, to visit and play and trade back. Lucky to snag one of the precious shade spots at this park. Sadly, a lot of the newer parks don't have much shade, so I had a large golfing umbrella with us, in case. I don't like baby Jack in the sun yet. But we got shade, and we enjoyed our random lunch of cheese, crackers, tortilla chips, hard boiled eggs and water, lol. Yum. And our visit with our good friends. Always nice to have time to chit chat.
Then the REAL fun began, lol. We were off to the library (hoping to pass another 7-11 on our way, but no such luck). Following the GPS directions, we headed out....down this road, turn on this one, up and onto the freeway...tra la la.... Now onto this other freeway...up and over the flyway onto the 2nd freeway and BAM, the traffic stops. No big deal, except that the weather is well over 100, and as we are inching along, the van begins to warm up....the gauge begins to climb higher...and higher...and I begin to worry. And pray. And worry some more.
Luckily, we made it to the offramp, and then got to take a scenic tour through downtown Sacramento. See, the GPS wanted me to get back on the freeway, and was kind of...obsessive about it, lol. "In 200 feet, take onramp" NO. "Turn left (to the onramp)". NO. Finally figured out how to get where we were going without her help, and had a nice leisurely drive to the library, lol. Got to drive past Sutters Fort (really need to go there). Got to drive over the beautiful, cool looking river. And in the end, got where we were going.
Library books (30 or so), and then home. Didn't have time to start a "real" dinner, so we had eggs, toast, hash browns and watermelon. And chores, baths and bed.
So, that's a crazy day OFF the farm, but not too out of the ordinary for us. Lots of blessings, and lots of fun, and we survived to do it again next week. YAY!
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